
We do have some kayaks in stock, but we can also order your custom made kayak (choice of colours).

We try to make it  easy for you to buy your Steath kayak online.

We have partnered with to offer you different payment methods.

Before you go online and purchase your Stealth kayak, we strongly advise you to give us a call or drop us an e-mail so that we can  discuss your requirements, give you some advice on choosing the right kayak for YOU and answer any question you might have.

If you would like to try before you buy, we can arrange a short session where you will be able to try 2 different (selected) models and see which one suits you best.

There is a fee of 50 Euros per person. This fee will be fully  refunded when you purchase your Stealth kayak (within 6 months of the trial date).

Stealth kayaks: the RIDE of your life!

If you would like to book a Stealth test, please fill the form below and we will be in touch shortly!




The RIDE of your life!